Tanz: Ballett intermediate A2 – English
Mittwoch 01 Februar 2023
Ballet is the perfect discipline to develop posture, alignment, strength, flexibility, coordination and grace. If you are new to Ballet then this Ballet course is the perfect way to start your journey. This course is also suitable for those of you seeking to refresh your skills. The course provides an introduction to Ballet. Ballet terminology will be explained. The classes will cover barre work, centre practice, allegro (jumps), pirouettes (turns) and some choreographed phrases.
Von 19:30 bis 21:00 Uhr
Wo? Neues Palais, Haus 12, Gymraum
Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 Potsdam
ab 30 €
Veranstalter: Hochschulsport Potsdam